Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is the very best skin bleaching product available. I have alot of age spots on my face.?

How to Cure Brown Spots with Natural Treatments

Apply fresh Aloe Vera on the brown spots and rub.

Mix onion juice with vinegar (1:2 teaspoons), and apply on the brown spots.

Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of orange juice; soak a cotton ball and apply on spots.

Apply some lemon juice on the brown spots (be ware from the sun).I love this one apply once/twice daily with a cotton ball this has helped me fade freckles acne and acne scars

Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and apply.

Mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream ( 0% fat for oily face), 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of grind oatmeal and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply on the brown spots, leave for 10 minutes and wash off.

Apply watermelon peel on the brown spot.

Cut horseradish and saturate the pieces in warm milk, Cool and apply on the brown spots.

Always wear sunscreen even in winter harmful rays are always out

Oh and try coconut oil this stuff is great for skin it heals discoloration(age spots) uneven skin tone fine lines and does wonders for prevention

What is the very best skin bleaching product available. I have alot of age spots on my face.?
Accept the age spots as inevitable - skin bleach can have negative results.
Reply:vantex it can b found at macys
Reply:Skin-bleaching products work by fading those oversized freckles known as “age” or “liver” spots, lightening brown patches, evening out splotchy skin tone, and depigmenting areas that are overly pigmented due to sun exposure, hormonal imbalance, or scarring.

“Some over-the-counter skin lighteners have glamorous names such as Porcelana and Esoterica, which make them sound like cosmetics. In truth,” according to The Prevention How-To Dictionary of Healing Remedies and Techniques, “these products are drugs containing the active ingredient hydroquinone in a 2 percent concentration, says Jerome Z. Litt, M.D., assistant clinical professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland.

“Hydroquinone does not actually bleach the skin. Instead it works by inhibiting the skin’s pigment-producing cells, or melanocytes, which lie deep in the skin. Hydroquinone prevents the melanocytes en route to the surface from getting their full quota of pigment.

“It may take weeks, and often months, for the new, lightened skin cells to finally arrive at the surface. That means that you have to be diligent (and patient) in using your skin lightener, applying it twice a day, every day.

“By following this regimen, 80 percent of users will show some lightening effect after three to six months, studies show.”

Skin lighteners work best on people with lighter skin tone. Note that skin lighteners are not to be used on inflamed skin, bruises, birthmarks, moles, or blemishes that appear to be changing shape, color, or size. You could possibly disturb the skin’s melanin production and trigger a cancerous condition called melanoma.
Reply:You don't necessarily have to use a skin bleach, Aritstry has something called Bright Idea illuminating Essence that works wonders on getting rid of age spots. It's guarenteed to work or they willa actually refund all of your money. My grandma uses this stuff and loves it. She had a whole bunch of sun damage and age spots and now you can't even tell because it took them away. I will give you the direct link so you can read about it and even buy it if you want.

Personally I think all Artistry products are the best. Hope this helped :)
Reply:success in skin whitening does not rely on products alone.. although quality, safety and potency are issues that should be addressed, a good skin whitening regimen should include sunscreen, your favorite moisturizers and vitamin C..

that's how i did it. :-)

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